UCENLIST is proud to be a member of the Vietnam UNESCO Association
9 April, 2022 by

In March 1993, during his visit to Vietnam, Mr. Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO, proposed a significant initiative to the Vietnamese government – the establishment of a non-governmental organization named UNESCO in Vietnam. This organization aimed to contribute to the construction and protection of Vietnam, adhering to the noble ideals of peace and the progressive values of UNESCO. The Vietnamese government enthusiastically welcomed and embraced this initiative.

On August 3, 1993, the Prime Minister of Vietnam signed Decision No. 397/TTg establishing the Vietnam UNESCO Club Association. On October 6, 1993, the Association officially began its operations with its founding congress, attended by approximately 150 individual and collective founding members, including scientific research institutions, artistic organizations, scientists, artists, educators, and Vietnamese social activists.

Later, the Vietnam UNESCO Club Association was renamed the Vietnam UNESCO Association under Decision No. 544/QĐ-BNV dated April 1, 2009, by the Ministry of Home Affairs, and this name remains to this day.

Over 28 years of accompanying the nation, the Vietnam UNESCO Association has faced numerous challenges and ups and downs. However, it has been a journey of relentless effort, resulting in remarkable achievements. From its founding congress in 1993 with approximately 150 founding members, to the 6th National Congress in November 2020, despite the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed nearly 400 delegates from across the country participating, representing 13,000 official members and over 150,000 individuals regularly engaging in the Association's activities, along with over 100 member organizations nationwide.

The Association has been honored with recognition from the Party and Government for its contributions to the country. The Prime Minister has awarded the Association with a Certificate of Merit and four Labor Orders. Most recently, during the 6th National Congress, the Party and State bestowed the First Class Labor Order on the Association for its contributions to the construction and protection of Vietnam. Additionally, numerous units and individuals within the Association have received Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.